Sunday, May 2, 2010

News Theme Soundtrack

Uploading this to my blog site I had problems. The first song I tried to do just wouldn't do it, computer telling me there were errors involved. So I tried this smaller file to see how it goes - I'm typing this while waiting to see if it works. Adding music to a presentation engages learners and extends the sensory perceptions used by learners. Small children do most of their early learning through music - from nursery rhymes and the alphabet song to groups like the Wiggles and the Hooley Dooleys - so it is a proven effective LM tool that should be utilised extensively in the classroom. Music provides a key to unlocking schemas - we all have songs that make us think of a time and place - and so music can help recall past knowledge when being applied to new situations.

This my posting begun yesterday while waiting for song uploaded from incompetech, saved on my computer and trying to upload to this blog. I believe the song not being able to upload, no matter how long I wait for process to finish, is due to the small size and basic programs on the hard drive in this computer. All unit I have had problems viewing even moodle sites because the software standard with this could not automatically convert the moodle to a program it could open. I eventually learnt how to do this manually, open with a different program, but don't think I will be able to correct this one.

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