Sunday, May 2, 2010

Action Plan

This is the Action Plan I designed before my EPL began so it is very much theory based on what I'd like to be able to carry out in school environment.

Title: Technology and the Environment

Target Year Level: Year 7

Subject Areas and Specific curriculum goals Essential Learnings targeted:

English: WoW: points #5, #6

K&U: Speaking & Listening - points #2; Reading & Viewing - #7; Writing & Designing - #7; Language elements - #1, #4

Science: WoW: #3, #10

K&U: Science as a human endeavour - #1, #3; Energy & Change - #2

SOSE: WoW: #1, #2, #4

K&U: Place and Space - #3

Technology: WoW: #9

K&U: Technology as a Human endeavour - #3

ICTs: Inquiring with ICTS - #1, #2; Creating with ICTs - #3, #4; Communicating with ICTs - #1, #3; Ethics, Issues and ICTs - #8; Operating ICTs - #1, #4

Learning Outcomes to be Achieved:

Learners will understand how ICTs are able to raise awareness of issues that affect many and can participate and contribute to these authentic campaigns through use of ICTs

Learners will be able to identify the impact a product or service used in daily life has on the environment and able to identify the technological changes that are enabling impacts to be reduced

Learners will use class Glogster account to reflect on what they know when unit begins and what they learn after each lesson and be able to monitor their K-W-L strategies through these glogs

Learners will be able to use wiki to collaborate on the planned presentation and so learn how to contribute in group context and resolve issues to reach consensus

Learners will be able locate and identify appropriate internet resources for use

Conceptual Pedagogical Frameworks on which Design is Based

Based on facets of all DoL 1-5

The Learning Engagement Theory of Kearsley and Shneiderman 1999

Dale’s Cone of Learning

Lynch’s 8 Learning Management Questions

Authentic learning design involving relate-create-donate methodology

Relate - Learners will communicate and interact both in the classroom and via wiki to research, design and present set task

Create- Learners will be able to choose an issue that they feel they can relate to and will be able to direct the methods used in design and presentation of Glogster account, wiki contributions and powerpoint presentation

Donate- Learners will have understanding of how young people can contribute to wider community issues through use of technology and have their ideas noted and feedback provided.


Length of learning experience in hours: 12 hours - 2 x 1hr lesson per week over 6 weeks

Target student learning journey (LMG5)

Lesson 1: Students will be introduced to spokesman from local environment community group Mary Burnett Regional Group. Following MBRG presentation there will be a class discussion on what this organisation does to help the environment and how learners can contribute to this cause. It will be proposed that learners can create a presentation on the works this group carry out and issues they deal with. This lesson will be used to understand what the learners know about environmental issues.

Lesson 2: Students will be introduced to the website If resources permit, this lesson will be used for students adding their accounts to class Glogster account and discussion of how technology in communications assists environmental projects. Learners will be expected to have created a post by next lesson on their feelings about how technology can help the environment and how they can use it.

Lesson 3: Learners will form groups to discuss a design for a promotion in a powerpoint presentation for MBRG and media they can use to share their campaign with outside world. Depending on resources learners will be given options to choose from and brainstorming ideas will be displayed in classroom.

Lesson 4: Website and television campaigns will be viewed and learners will note ideas they felt were effective and perhaps use them. Discussion will be held about language, images and music used in campaigns and the feelings these evoked. Ideas to be posted on individual Glogster. Criteria for assessment of project will be discussed.

Lesson 5: Appropriate information sources will be viewed and criteria for what makes a source appropriate discussed. Sites such as Flickr will be seen. In groups learners will discuss resources that will be made use of.

Lesson 6: Resources permitting, this lesson will be used to create wiki and ensure students understand how to use it and the rules involved. After group discussion, learners will be asked to post their thoughts on understanding rules involved in using wiki and how media such as wiki helps the environment on the Glogster account.

Lesson 7: Wiki progress will be discussed and ideas discussed. LM will move around class to discuss with each group ideas they are working on, suggestions for sources of information and possibilities for the presentation of projects

Lesson 8: Projects will be worked on via wiki (if available) and questions answered

Lesson 9: Work-in-progress will be presented to class and feedback given. Glogs will be posted on how Learners feel their group is progressing and use of technologies involved

Lesson 10: Projects will be worked on via wiki (if available) and questions answered. Preparation for presenting projects to class and parents will be undertaken

Lesson 11: Presentation of projects to MBRG rep and feedback given. Learners will glog what they feel they have learned from this unit and how effective they feel the media used in their presentation was

Lesson 12: Student feedback on unit and learning outcomes will be discussed.

Details of the authentic product to be produced by your student groups

The authentic product will be given feedback by BMRG rep, parents and school staff. Examples of work produced will be displayed on school website and perhaps BMRG website.

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