Saturday, May 1, 2010

Google Earth Tours

This is a fantastic tool for classrooms, especially when discussing landmarks or where major events are occurring at. Seeing global locations in relation to home site could make these places more 'real' to learners. The depths of analysis of time and distances this software allows will assist in learners relating to wider 'global' community of which they are part of.

With the grade 5 class my EPL is at, an example of its use could be for a field trip so learners could plan the route there, and directions to be taken and sites that will be seen. It could then be used in maths lessons etc when measuring distance and time taken. On locations such as school camps activities and sites to visit could be organised using the maps to see how events can be planned and the timeline that can be included.

This would be perfect for the wiki page I called Travellers Logbook as participants could plot where their pictures are taken and route taken to get there.

The education uses for this program could involve all KLAs and be used to enhance critical understanding of where subjects discussed are located and/or impact upon.

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