Friday, April 2, 2010

Technology in Distance Education

I feel so much better for finally posting a blog. I have been having trouble understanding how you link your wiki site to your blog but I will work something out! I have found that one problem I have when using technology is that if I get stuck on one problem I have great difficulty moving on to something else. Will have to learn to move on and perhaps return to problem when I have greater understanding. Another problem is fighting my kids for my computer! They just can't understand why my university studies seem more important (to me at least) than their myspace or facebook postings.

Wish I knew as much about technology in the classroom while travelling around Australia with my kids as I do now. At that time we really only used the laptop and Internet for communicating with the distance education teacher during lesson assessment. We could have used it for so much more! Might just have to travel again...

Above is a photo of one of my jobs while travelling. It is the only photo I have of me feeding my crocodiles - a tourist very kindly dropped off a copy of it at the office before he left. I loved the job, very challenging, but don't know if I have the courage to ever do it again.

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