Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Originally uploaded by Latyrx


This picture to me is amazing and I am amazed that I worked out how to blog it so easily! Though I have only worked out this way to transfer photos from Flickr so far, blogging photos directly from Flickr, I will definitely be looking at how to make use of the photos available in other ways.

I love using photography as a journal of events - much more interesting than just writing things down. Unfortunately, the camera that travelled around Australia with me was lost in Rockhampton last year and so I am now using a very basic small camera that I find rather dissatisfying to use. In a classroom scenario it would be engaging for the students to post photos of their work, eg stages completed in assignments, to share with other students and the outside world. The photos themselves would be examples of relate-create-donate strategies. With the phenomenal amount of photos available on the site I'm sure most class work would find appropriate photos available to improve understanding, interest and different perspectives of subjects studied.

I noticed looking through Flickr self portraits that nearly all postings were of young people. Does this mean our older generation is just not into it as much - or do we only post younger photos of ourselves?

With digital technology real-life photos are only a small fraction of ways you can express yourself through photography. The picture above, titled Stranger, I thought a great example of how technology helps you to compose wonderful personalised images that many of us are unable to do with a paintbrush or pen. To have a scene in your mind and be able to transfer it to observable imagery through so many means we have available today (and the more we will have tomorrow) is an excellent way of engaging learners. Using software, like Photoshop, to edit everyday photos taken - I'm still in very beginner stages - is a great way to improve confidence and encourage people to share their work. My teenage son loves using Photoshop to do up skateboarding collages of himself and friends and post on his My Space site to share with others with similar interests. Incorporating digital photography and Flickr into Art KLA will really broaden learners ways of expressing their artistic talents and sharing it with the world.

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