Monday, April 12, 2010

My Powerpoint

The first challenge I had was thinking of a topic to use for the PowerPoint. I wanted to follow the Learning Engagement Framework and use a topic that the learners would deal with in life experiences. I know that nutrition is an issue that is broadly discussed because, in Australia especially, children's guidance in it seems to be lacking. I then had to decide what age audience I would address it to, so decided upon lower primary - probably grade one. I then went looking for what media to use in the PowerPoint presentation. Many websites offered excellent information for the discussion that would accompany the PowerPoint, but found that the actual images I wanted to use were found in the clipart on my computer. Recognition of food groups I feel is a basis for nutrition understanding so, because this presentation is being aimed at a very young audience, I decided to focus on the ones that are being recommended most highly for all age groups - fruit and vegetables. As soon as this was decided upon one song kept going through my head - it is played constantly in this household - and that was Wiggles' Fruit Salad. I found the ICT PowerPoint tutorial very helpful for being reminded how the soundtrack could be added to the presentation and how the animation can be varied. After going through the PowerPoint design several times I decided to automate the timing in the slides so those viewing could stand back and observe it. In the classroom I feel it would be more suitable for the PowerPoint to progress by each point being clicked on and so having time to be discussed with the class. For the presentation of the presentation on my blog I have left it automated - so you can just sit back and boogy with the Wiggles!


  1. Great presentation Cindy! If you upload it to mahara the music should play (hopefully)!
    Regards, Carolyne

  2. Hi Cindy..
    This is a very good and colourful powerpoint for the younger primary grades and should cover the engagement theory and attract both visual and auditory learners alike. Well done
